What's in a name? “Prism” represents the diversity in our staff talents and the people we serve. “Technical” applies to our approach to solving human diversity issues. We strongly believe “what gets measured gets done,” and as a result, we not only measure our publicly reported “end” goals, but a great many internal objectives as well. “Management” – We believe in the old Holiday Inn tagline: “The best surprise is no surprise,” and develop a project team mindset to succeed by first achieving micro goals, developed in partnership with funding sources, the community and/or contractors. As the micro goals are achieved, the larger publicly reported goals fall into place. Regarding “Marketing,” there’s an old adage that starts out with – “If a tree falls in the woods…” that can be applied to project successes. We ensure that our clients’ success stories – and there are many, on our projects – are shared with the world. Our reporting can be as simple as a spreadsheet, or as comprehensive as full reports with interviews and photos of project participants or full video interviews of those positively impacted.
Based in Milwaukee, WI and St. Louis, MO, Prism Technical is a private sector entity that specializes in project and construction management, business development training and corporate internship training and placement. Prism, started in 1995, works to ensure the diversity of workers and legitimate contracting practices on major construction projects funded by tax payers. This has allowed Prism to advise many forward-thinking companies and governmental entities on matters of process, management, knowledge transfer and strategy.
After two decades of operation and more than $6 billion in construction projects, over $1.7 billion in diverse spending, and workforce inclusion totaling more than several million man-hours for low income, un- and under-employed residents, women and ethnic populations. Prism has had unprecedented success on Wisconsin’s most prestigious projects and has accumulated an unparalleled catalog of experiences working with small, women and minority owned businesses. These experiences led Prism executives to recognize not only the need to create educational programs that elevated the business skills of these small businesses but also to keep talented individuals within the region to continue contributing to the success of local companies.
Prism is regularly deployed to analyze and develop solutions to assist small and large businesses in their efforts to work together to complete complex projects and processes. At the ground level, our work involves both (A) creating solutions that assist small businesses in their pursuit of greater opportunities and (B) working with governmental entities and large companies to assure compliance with complex local, State and Federal regulations.