What is a WBE Certification?
In 2006, the Wisconsin Legislature enacted a woman-owned business bill that requires the Department of Administration “to develop, maintain, and keep a computer database of businesses in the state that are owned by women, containing demographic statistics and information on the types of industries represented, sales volume and growth rates, generation of jobs by both new and existing businesses and any other relevant characteristics.”
According to the Act, firms wishing to participate in the program must be certified by the Wisconsin Department of Administration.
Who is eligible?
Be at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by women group members.
Is currently performing a "useful business function" in the State of Wisconsin.
Must be at least one (1) year old under current ownership.
Provide a $150.00 application fee made payable to the Department of Administration.
How is it beneficial?
Among the many benefits of being certified are: being listed on the State’s directory provides firms in the program with a broader business reach to corporate buyers, prime contractors and agencies of local, state and federal governments beyond the borders of Wisconsin.